domingo, 28 de abril de 2013

The windiest spot in Spain (La loteta)

Had you thought Tarifa? I´m sorry, you are wrong.
Probably Tarifa counts with a higher average of kiting days (300days a year aprox). What I´m referring here is about strong winds. What about if I tell you that I weight 85kgs and my usual kites I fly there are a 7&4 meter sizes?
Where is that place??? I´m sure you probably have not heard about it as this place I´m writing about is quite new.
Now you might think I must be under the effects of something illegal, but Im not.
I´m talking about an artificial water lake built in 1999 (from the data I´ve found) and started to be used as a kite spot 4-5 years ago.
Close to the lake is located the biggest windmill extension of Spain, in the Ebro valley. See a small sample of what I´m saying here:

This valley is famous from the NW strong winds called "el cierzo" that hit this area quite often all year long.

The name of the spot is “La Loteta”, and has an ideal location for everyone from Europe that has in mind to travel to Spain by car or caravan as its close to the French border and it´s on the way to Tarifa (for instance). So if you are going south and you see online that it´s blowing I would suggest a mandatory stop, you will never regret!!

How do I know that it will be blowing:
The Cierzo wind is quite easy to forecast and its predictions are accurate, as experience has told us. It´s a NW wind and its usually blows more that displayed on the websites. You can check the wind in the following websites: (I like this one as has proved accurate for me, for more detailed information click on “por hora” and will give you in km/h the wind of each hour).

The good thing about the cierzo is that its a wind that can be blowing 3-4-5-6-7 days in a row, 24hrs.
There is also a webcam (sometimes it does work and sometimes dont, but give it a try):
South wind is the other rideable wind here but it´s neither as strong or as common. Same websites as above can be used to track south wind. But the real experience in La Loteta is riding it with NW!!!

Name me the 2 spots in la Loteta:
“Spot Sur”: Here is where you come when cierzo is blowing. Wind direction side shore, sometimes a bit side-on shore. Choppy, and when real windy you have waves (I´ve seen a guy trying to surf them without a kite!!!! ). If the water level is low you might have some flat areas.
“Spot Norte”: You can come here for 2 things a) south winds which are onshore /side-on depending of water level. Usually choppy. B)
You can also attempt to ride offshore with cierzo so you will have flat water, but I havent tried yet.

How to get there: 
I took the guide from, but here I offer a translation so it´s easier for you to understand (the spot is quite hidden if you dont knot how to get there).
Spot Norte:  (will include a description).

Summer is hot, winter really cold (thermic sensation caused by the cold wind). In La loteta there are not mid seasons (as spring and autum). Cierzo wind blows all year long, but the experts say that is more common during autumn, winter and spring months (last year I kited almost everyday from the end of August till end of October).
As the lake is not so big, water temperatures are subject to whats going on with the weather, in summer you can kite in swimsuit or short wetsuit and winter time people wear two wetsuits at a time + gloves + hoods (crazy for Spain!!!). In both seasons boots is quite recommended due the type of soil.

What you will find:
La Loteta doesn´t have much vegetation, everything is soil and small to medium size stones (maximum 1kg). Water is clean when the level is high, a bit darker with low level, but it´s not poluted at all (just the mix of water and soil). The entry and exit of the water is a bit messy due the type of soil, as it get quite muddy (dont be surprised to “stick” the legs till the knees in the mud. I usually enter/exit by putting kite at 12 and the bar high so I can have some pull from the kite to avoid sinking. If you fly your kite at 10 or  2 you will be slidding all over the mud).

Special suggestions:
-As wind blows so hard and the soil is a bit unfriendly to our kites, locals use to extend plastic canvas onto the ground (similar to the ones used in camping), fixed with camping nails to the ground. This help prevent the kite going dirty or punctured while landind, launching and assembling/disassembling the kite.
-If you want to rest or if you go to the car to get something, you will want to hold your kite while you arent close to it. The solution, as there is no sand to throw over your kite, is this one:
It´s a climbing carabiner attached to camping nail by a rope. You put your kite faced to the floor and attach it to the kite pumper rope. This way your kite will always in place. 
For more understandable explanation:

-If you see that the windmills close to the lake are not moving understand that it´s blowing +50knots. Know your limits when challenging la Loteta.
-Due the strong winds to not be on land flying the kite, once you launch, go as soon as posible to the water, and the same applies to when you are comming out of the water, land it ASAP.
You dont want to be dragged in a place like this, because there are some stones and the wind is hard.
-Newbies, unless you have a really small kite or the day you attemp is not so strong, I would NOT reccomend this spot.  
-If the water level is low (mainly at the end of summer), watch out for swallow áreas, as they may be in certain points. You will notice them because the water does “stange” waves. Take your time to identify them while warming up in the first strokes. You dont want to land a jump over one of these áreas.
-If it does start raining I would suggest to leave the lake as soon as possible as it can get really muddy and you may get your car stuck in the uphill ramps to leave the lake.

Any schools:
There is one kiteschool that I would like to mention as it´s one of the most profesional schools I know. Despite teaching in this tough conditions, they are doing an exceptional work. They have being there since the beggining of the lake and they count with appropiate equipment for this high wind conditions. It´s name is: La loteta Sports  and the guy that runs the school “Carlitos” is well respected. (he is the highest flying guy in the aera, try to win him if you dare).

Can I camp:
It´s forbiden to camp in the lake as it subject to floods. You can get a quite big fine apart of screwing the spot to the locals.
There is a gas station 2kms away in which you wont have any problem.
If you need camping facilities, as far from what I know, there is a camping site in Zaragoza (50kms away). Please check the link.

Where else to stay:
The lake is a bit away from any cool town to stay apart from Zaragoza (almost a 1M inhabitants), so my recommendation would be to look for accomodation over there as it´s not so expensive and you have all the services and things to do of any big city.

Any recommendations:
-Bring your food, water an anything else you might need (redbull in my case) with you as there is no place to buy them in the spot (there is a gas station 2kms away).
-Park your car/van/caravan in the same location locals do, so no one can crash against a vehicle if overpowered, and everybody has room for assembling the kites.
-Please do not litter, everything you bring must come back with you.
-Dont be afraid of the spot by the description given in this blog, It´s a hardcore place and I just want to make sure you have all the information in order to avoid any problem while riding in it.
-Enjoy flying.

If you have any questions please let me know.

Buenos vientos

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