During the years I´d being kiting I´ve used not so many boards, not because I didn´t have the chance to test them, just because at the beginning I´d thought my level was low so I could barely notice the differences, and then because I didnt want to get excited about any board to a level to have to buy it.
This approach has it´s ups and downs, but at least has given me the opportunity by riding them so long to really understand how they performed.
What I want to state here are the differences between the stuff I´d being riding during this years, the evolution of the sport during these years and I also hope to give an overall idea to the people entering the sport as I see them quite lost.
Impact Kiteboarding 128x38 (displayed bellow with nobile 666)
My first board, this was spring 2006 and was purchased to a friend who was self taught into the sport. The agreement was to purchase the full quiver (board+ takoon Skoop 2 11.5 2003+ North Vegas 18 2005 + harness)+ his lessons. To let you know this was the first time I´ve approached kiteboarding apart from seing something in TV, so if my friend told me that this was good, I trusted him. (regret now... you should thank Google now!!!).
The problem (I realized much, much later) was that this board was small for me (weighted 80kgs then), so I needed to go really overpowered with my kites to be able to "float" over water. If you add my non existing level + the easiness of C shape kites, you have a cocktail that certifies how badly I wanted to learn to kite.
The DOOR unknown dimensions
Desperate about not being able to ride upwind I trusted some advice in a forum that said "big boards are much bettter to learn". After some researching I found one of the guys of that forum that was selling a huge board, bought it for 100€ and when it arrived to my house I´d though that it was a joke, it´s dimensions were something line 150x50 all white, looked like a door.
First ride on it, I could not believe it!!!! these people were right; I was riding upwind, effortless, cruising long distances, not walking on the beach. It was a kind of miracle for me!!!
The only drawback of this board was when wind was blowing hard so I had difficulties to edge as it had so much surface. I still keep this board, it´s in Mallorca as my low wind tool, can kite with my kahoona 13 with thermic 10 knots winds (now weighting 90kgs).
I was lucky to get a 3 month internship placement in Port Elisabeth (South Africa), so as my kite travel bag could not fit the bigger board, I took the 128. My first experiences with mushy waves (didnt have the balls and experience to ride on big waves) let me completely hopeless. As with this board I had to work hard the kites I was going fast but uncontrolled (nor upwind), so my experience was not really enjoyable. One day talking to a guy on the beach about my concerns he let me had one of his boards for the session. I dont remember the brand or length, just know that it had more width (around 40cm). I was happy again, I could not believe that 2 cms could feel so different. The mushy waves now were a joy park and I could go upwind without working hard the kite.
The weekend later I had my Nobile.
I just have good words about this board, I´ve being riding it for 6 years, and has allowed me to learn everything I know now, it´s confortable, suits all levels and all conditions. Just changed the pads & straps for an air cam liquid force, because the OEM were really uncomfortable. This board in now in hands of a friend that I´ve taught (Obviously, I´ve made him to start with a door).
Clash reincarnation 2012 138x40,5
I bought this board due a mix of things, to try something new that had the wow factor, the design and also the promotional offer (buy 5 for 400€/each).
I must admit that at the beginning I´d hated this board and I though I´d made a huge mistake.
The problem was not the board, it was me as I was so used to the Nobile.
This one needs more wind to work that the Nobile (-0,5cms, and some more rocker), and the mistake I did at the beginning by placing the pads in the widest position (I´m 192 tall but realized at the end that I didnt like to ride so split). After some more sessions I adore it, it goes much better in choppy, the pop is amazing and landings softer. the only drawback is that this board is all over Spain, I had to "personalize" a bit because last time @ Tarifa I was scared that someone could take my board thinking it was theirs. Gonna have board for a while.
North FSF 5,3" 2009
My first attempt to go strapless.
I bought it second hand as I red reviews that it was aimed to mushy waves to 1,5 meters, the kind of stuff you find in Spain. (the day I feel confident of going strapless in bigger waves I will switch it).
Just had a couple of sessions with it, and what surprises me is that it´s more difficult for me to do the waterstart than to ride it. I´m now in the process of building confidence before entering waves, so I can´t report anything else but that it´s a nightmare to travel in car with it (will need to buy a top roof rack for the car).
A big board will allow you to ride with less kite, so that´s good learning. (Focus on width rather than length EG: if you can take a 133x42 or a 138x40 go for the 133x42).
Do not under stimate a second hand board when looking for your first quiver. (remember that pro´s could do stuff back then that you may not achieve in your lifetime).
A board last forever (unless you are a pro or if you dont know how to do bodydrag...).
A small board is only good for big kites and high wind conditions.
Try boards before buying, a board that someone might love may not be perfect to you.
Buenos vientos.
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